The Ancient Healing Path of Reiki

Join me for this 6-Month Comprehensive

Beginner to Master Level Initiation

in the Oakland – Berkeley Hills, San Francisco Bay Area, California

With Bronwyn Ayla, LAc

September – December 2025
in the SF Bay Area, California


Reiki is based on ancient healing wisdom that transcends time and culture. It is instinctual to put our hands on what hurts. It is common to observe children doing this when they hurt themselves. When one has a headache, it is common to put one’s hands on one’s head.
 For as long as we have been sentient beings, it is likely we have used our hands to heal. 


Reiki systematizes this innate healing art into a format that enables a deepening of this tendency and offers a method to initiate others. We experience Reiki through relaxation, tuning in, softening, connecting to our inner world, connecting to our breath, and simply being. Learn more about how Reiki works here.


Globally, Reiki is increasingly being integrated into hospitals and other allopathic settings. 


Reiki is not attached to any religion or belief system; it is the universal life force energy that already exists within everyone and everything to some degree. 


In this Reiki training course, which I have spent over twenty-five years crafting and honing, your inner Reiki will be amplified, opening energetic channels to allow a clearer, stronger flow of energy for healing and spiritual unfoldment.  

You will experience for yourself the power of Reiki to change the world by channeling universal life force energy from your hands to other sentient beings for the highest benefit and well-being possible.


I invite you to join me on this ancient healing path of Reiki. 


In Divine Love, 

Bronwyn Ayla, LAc

The Wu Wei School of Reiki

"To practice Reiki is to connect with the sacred energy of our world and direct it towards healing, individual and collective."
–Bronwyn Ayla

Who This Course Will Benefit

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Seekers of a Deeper Spiritual Path

Reiki works with the energetic consciousness alive and present in each of us, providing a framework for tapping into and activating our innate healing power.

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Yoga, Meditation and Healing Practitioners 

Reiki can be used as a complementary tool for almost all healing modalities, including massage, acupuncture, meditation, yoga, chiropractic, nursing, or other primary care practices.

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People Who Wish to Practice or Teach Reiki Professionally

The path of becoming a Reiki healer and/or teacher can be a rewarding career of abundance, fulfillment, and spiritual unfoldment.

Here’s What’s Included

1. Shoden Level In-Person Weekend

Nature of Reiki & energy fields

Basics of esoteric anatomy

History of Reiki

6 functions of Qi

Learn and practice hand positions

Receive Reiki 1 attunement

Chord cutting

2. Okuden Level In-Person Weekend

✓  Healing across time, space, and into the abstract

✓  Learn 3 new Reiki symbols

Emotional clearing

using tuning forks with Reiki

✓  increase psychic and spiritual awareness

✓  Receive Reiki 2 attunement

✓  Blue, pink, & white heart flames

3. Reiki 3 Level In-Person Weekend

Techniques to deepen your treatments

Professional issues

Learn about the transformation of Qi

Using essential oils with Reiki

Receive Reiki III attunement

Traditional Usui & Tibetan master symbols

Energetic clearing

4. Reiki Master In-Person Weekend

Receive Reiki master attunement

Experiential deep dive into chakras

Essential oils, toning, and auras

2 Additional master symbols

How to conduct Reiki attunements

Soul essence activation 

Reiki and yoga

5. Video Teachings

Each of the Reiki Levels includes an entire online course and a journal prompt so you can break up the learning to meet your life. This is over 50 modules of course content. You will learn the foundations of Qi and how to channel Reiki. Bronwyn’s detailed knowledge of anatomy and Asian medicine ensures you are well-prepared to begin practicing this ancient medicine. 

6. Practical Demonstrations

Throughout the course you will join Bronwyn as she gives in-depth demonstrations on how to use Reiki hand positions on your own body and those of others for optimal healing and consciousness raising. 

6. Practical Demonstrations

Throughout the course you will join Bronwyn as she gives in-depth demonstrations on how to use Reiki level 1 hand positions on your own body and those of others for optimal healing and consciousness raising. 

7. Reiki Ceremonies and Healing Rituals

Daily practices of prayer and offerings are an essential part of developing a deeper connection with the universal life force energy. Bronwyn will guide you through important practices to tune into a reciprocal relationship with the energy you will be channeling. 


8. Sound Healing Meditation Experiences

The importance of experiential learning in this Reiki Training cannot be understated. The Reiki training offers multiple immersive sound healing audios and meditations that allow you to drop into your body and connect with the core of the Divine Light. 

8. Sound Healing Meditation Experiences

The importance of experiential learning in this Reiki Training cannot be understated. The Reiki training offers multiple immersive sound healing audios and meditations that allow you to drop into your body and connect with the core of the Divine Light. 

9. Downloadable & Printed Handbook

The Reiki Handbook, which you can download for free with your purchase or order a printed copy, conveys information in an organized and accessible way to give you the tools you need to begin, expand, or deepen your Reiki practice. The book is in full color, with gorgeous illustrations, easy to understand charts, explanatory photos, and clear descriptions. 

10. Wu Wei Reiki Certification

The intensive nature of this program ensures consistency and extremely high-quality Reiki training. The Wu Wei School offers one of the most professional and demanding Reiki programs available.

Upon completion of the course you will receive a certification from the Wu Wei School acknowledging your achievement.

10. Wu Wei Reiki Certification

The intensive nature of this program ensures consistency and extremely high-quality Reiki training. The Wu Wei School offers one of the most professional and demanding Reiki programs available.

Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certification from the Wu Wei School acknowledging your achievement.

11. Get a free 2-month membership to Bronwyn’s live weekly calls

As an in-person Reiki student, you’ll receive 2 months of free membership to Bronwyn’s weekly calls, with the opportunity to continue.

What to expect:
  • Support with your Reiki training
  • Live weekly calls with Bronwyn
  • The ability to share your own questions each week
  • A dedicated cohort of sweet Reiki community
  • Learn how to adjust reiki to be in alignment with the seasonal qi
  • Deep dives into specific topics such as chakra aligning, prosperity, and professional tips.
  • Learn to hold everything you encounter as an aid in your path of personal transformation
  • Align your outer world with your inner divinity
  • Learn how aligning with the rhythm of seasonal changes can help you accomplish your personal goals

Reiki’s Impact On Your Life

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Transformation of your health and well-being

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Support the healing of loved ones and community

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Accelerated spritiual growth

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Deeper connection through touch

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Enhanced ability to be present 

Here’s Everything That’s Included in 

this Journey of Self-Discovery & Initiation

4 Weekends In-Person in the SF Bay Area


2025 Dates

Reiki 1 – Sept. 6-7

Reiki 2 – Oct. 25-26

Reiki 3 – Nov. 15-16

Reiki Master – Dec. 6-7

Saturdays & Sundays 10am-5pm

San Francisco Bay Area, California

Payment Options

$1500 by May 1st 2025

$1900 by June 21st 2025

$2100 by August 2nd 2025

$2300 Thereafter

6-month payment plans & BIPOC scholarships available

Choose your course's support option:
Tier 1
Self-paced online course
Experience the flexibility of learning at your own pace with our standalone self-paced online course. Immerse yourself in comprehensive Reiki teachings and gain the knowledge necessary to begin your journey independently.
Tier 1
🌟 Recommended 🌟
Online course + weekly live calls
Unlock the full potential of your Reiki training with our most popular package: our self-paced online course & membership to Bronwyn's weekly live calls! Enjoy the benefits of continuous weekly support, personalized guidance, and a dedicated Reiki community to boost your skills.
Get weekly support to unlock your full potential as a practitioner! Finish checkout to sign up for the free 2-month trial.

The Wu Wei Difference

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Feminist Perspective

Wu Wei’s Reiki Online Trainings emphasize the teachings of feminist science, subjectivity, embodiment, and democratic pedagogy, which is often not fully integrated in more traditional teachings.

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Over 25 Years of Experience

Bronwyn Ayla founded Wu Wei in 1998 and has devoted her life to evolving consciousness through Reiki while integrating her knowledge as a licensed primary care provider, acupunctures and bodywork instructor. 

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Asian Medicine

The Wu Wei’s trainings contextualize Reiki back into the teachings of Asian medicine from which it arose. This knowledge is often lost in most modern Reiki trainings.

"Over the years, I've taught thousands of students—some of which have gone on to become Reiki Masters and teachers, spreading the life-changing magic of Reiki." - Bronwyn Ayla

Meet Bronwyn, LAc

I have spent my life devoted to studying healing practices from around the world. My methodology integrates an advanced knowledge of human anatomy and physiological processes for optimizing vitality and unfolding the mind and body’s latent potential. I am a licensed primary care provider, acupuncturist, and instructor in Reiki, yoga, dance, and bodywork. 


I was first introduced to the practice of Reiki in the Himalayas in India where I was initiated into a journey of exploring the link between consciousness, healing, and our bodies. In 1998, I founded the Wu Wei School of Reiki. 


In addition to providing healing sessions, I invite people to broaden their approach to disease, pain, and their environment. Having spent decades studying classical sources from various traditions, I strive to make these ancient teachings accessible to my patients and students in a way that relates to their everyday lives. When not traveling the world teaching, I run my Holistic Medical Arts clinic in Berkeley, CA.

Learn More About Bronwyn

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I have taken 2 online Reiki Classes with Bronwyn, I LOVE them…eat sleep and breathe it everyday.

– Sue

I love that [Bronwyn] found a way to continue Reiki attunements remotely and effectively. I recommend her Reiki course to anyone in the world. 

– Tre’

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I love that [Bronwyn] found a way to continue Reiki attunements remotely and effectively. I recommend her Reiki course to anyone in the world. 

– Tre’

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“I am grateful to have taken the Reiki Master course with Bronwyn. Thank you to such a great teacher, Bronwyn, for all of the love, energy, and time placed into putting the messages and materials together”

– Nadia

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Reiki 1 – Shoden

Connecting to Holy Energy on a Physical Level

In this beginning level, you will develop a solid knowledge of the basics of Reiki. You will learn how to beam— through touch or through the third eye—to people and objects that are in your physical presence.

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Reiki 2 – Okuden

Using Reiki Across Time and Space

With this Reiki II attunement, you connect to three Reiki symbols and sounds that will enable you to send Reiki across time and space. That’s right, you will be able to send this healing energy to what is not physically present!

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Reiki 3 – Shinpiden

Connect to Reiki Energy on a Professional Level

You will learn intermediate and advanced symbols and mantras and their appropriate use so you may treat specific ailments, deepen your practice to a Master level and teach others.

Reiki Master

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Connect to Reiki Energy on a Master Level

“A Reiki Master is not someone who has mastered Reiki, but someone whom Reiki has mastered.”

In this complete set of coursework, you will learn how to surrender to the divine energy of Reiki and let it transform you from the inside into a Master of this healing art. 

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Reiki 1 – Shoden

Connecting to Holy Energy on a Physical Level

In this beginning level, you will develop a solid knowledge of the basics of Reiki. You will learn how to beam— through touch or through the third eye—to people and objects that are in your physical presence.

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Reiki 2 – Okuden

Using Reiki Across Time and Space

With this Reiki II attunement, you connect to three Reiki symbols and sounds that will enable you to send Reiki across time and space. That’s right, you will be able to send this healing energy to what is not physically present!

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Reiki 3 – Shinpiden

Connect to Reiki Energy on a Professional Level

You will learn intermediate and advanced symbols and mantras and their appropriate use so you may treat specific ailments, deepen your practice to a Master level and teach others.

Reiki Master

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Connect to Reiki Energy on a Master Level

“A Reiki Master is not someone who has mastered Reiki, but someone whom Reiki has mastered.”

In this complete set of coursework, you will learn how to surrender to the divine energy of Reiki and let it transform you from the inside into a Master of this healing art. 

How did I come to be teaching Reiki?

My Story

Workshop Details

Past Trainings

What you will take away from this initiation?

By the end of this training, you will be able to

Frequently Asked Questions

Lecture, Demonstration, Practice, Experiential Exercises, Treatments, Workbooks and Handouts, Reiki Shares, Reiki Trades, Online Videos, Sound Healings, Meditations, and more.

This program is designed for you, the person ready to make a leap in your spiritual evolution and upgrade or begin a professional healing practice. No matter what phase you are in:

You are ready for an extraordinary shift in your own personal spiritual life and health and know professional support and a community of like-minded folk will make the difference.

You have never studied Reiki before but are curious about shifting your career, supplementing your income, or incorporating it into an already existing healing practice.

You are already practicing Reiki but would like additional support in launching your Reiki practice and gaining more tools and experience in working with your clients. You don’t have to do this alone.

You simply would like to connect to your self and your spiritual path with a clearer vibration.

About half of the people who take this course have already completed Reiki 1 or are even already attuned to Reiki Master. They study with Bronwyn to gain a deeper understanding of Reiki in the context of Asian medicine, for clinical practice, and for personal growth. You are welcome to start this training at wherever level you are at. If your training comes from a different school and especially if you are planning on teaching Reiki, you will still learn valuable skills to add to your existing practice to take it to the next level. About half of Bronwyn’s students have already studied Reiki with other teachers and are coming for a more in depth process.

I am a licensed primary care provider, acupuncturist, Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, herbalist, and a Reiki, dance, and bodywork instructor. Trained in traditional healing practices from around the world my methodology integrates an advanced knowledge of human anatomy and physiological processes for optimizing vitality and unfolding the mind and body’s latent potential. I have been teaching Reiki since 1998. 

Yes, a dedicated cohort is currently answering the call to join this training and they will be your travel companions. There is also a thriving online private fb group called Wu Wei School of Reiki. Your purchase of this course allows you access to this private online forum. Here people post questions, share experiences, and connect with each other as support for our practices.

There are 4 live in person weekends in the Berkeley Hills. There are also over 50 modules of classes that are pre-recorded and edited for everyone’s convenience online. These include online attunements, ceremonies, home practices, and suggested activities. You can start anytime on a rolling basis with this online material. You can also schedule supplemental Reiki treatments or consultations with Bronwyn here. In addition, addition, Bronwyn holds an ongoing weekly membership group for her students you can enroll in.

The books can be downloaded in a PDF format from the online portal once you join the course. You can also purchase the book without joining the class here

Bronwyn recommends taking 3- 4 weeks for each Reiki level. It generally takes about 21 days for the full Reiki attunement to occur and for the energy to fully integrate into the energy body. You could begin each Reiki level on the new or full moon, for example, so that you have an established lunar rhythm for the courses. The Reiki compendium can then be referenced throughout the training as an additional resource to take your healing practice deeper. The entire training with the online material and in person weekends can therefore take about 6 -8 months.

The intensive nature of this program ensures consistency and an extremely high quality of Reiki training. It is one of the most professional and demanding Reiki certifications in the industry. During the program, you will be supported in a daily self-Reiki practice and meditation. You will be expected to practice Reiki on yourself and others throughout. Yes. You will receive a certificate of completion on the last day of your in-person training.

We will deduct the price that you paid for your online training from the total cost of this program.

The Wu Wei School of Reiki provides a comprehensive training program designed to launch you into your community ready to teach, inspire, lead, and practice Reiki on a professional level. It will provide an opportunity of a lifetime to deepen your spiritual practice, transform your health, and give you the tools necessary to create a profound impact on the people around you.

It is customized for a select group of students who will grow together as a community as they commit to a process of deep transformation, spiritual unfoldment, and professional development. I know that, as a leader myself, my job is to create more leaders, rather than followers.

Topics will vary around Asian medical theory, bodywork, acupressure, toning, essential oils, Reiki, yoga, aromatherapy, chakras, crystals, auras, tuning forks, meditation, pendulums, magic, business coaching, and more.  The teachings include traditional Usui Reiki and Japanese Reiki Techniques which are grounded in a background of functional medicine and extensive clinical experience.


We will also cover business strategies and help you create a plan for launching your practice.  Bronwyn will help you deepen your understanding of anatomy, the transformation of Qi, and specific ways to treat disharmonies in the body. More importantly, you will learn the skills necessary to hold people in their grief, their struggles, and their joy so that you can walk with them as a spiritual ally and midwife for their transformation.


Upon checkout, you’ll have the option to pick your course’s support option. 

We recommend signing up for Tier 2, which includes weekly live calls with Bronwyn. As an in-person Reiki student, you will be offered an exclusive free 2-month membership.


Try it out! Enjoy the benefits of continuous weekly support, personalized guidance, and a dedicated Reiki community to support your studies!

Bronwyn Ayla, LAc. | Wu Wei School of Reiki